Monday, August 5, 2013

The Message of Martin Moller

In Dying, Life.

The Dead Self  

Whereas the Bible is often difficult for the reader, Martin Moller—sublime spirit, humble preacher, is readily available to the reader.  He is at once the common man and like as I, and the devoutly religious, self-educated scholar. 

It is now The Magic Hour.  I look down.  There lies on the floor a rumpled Self, as it were a costume unzipped and stepped out of.  There lies on the floor mySelf; a self that came into the world hesitant, arrogant, stubborn, afraid, childish.  There stands looking down a Self made anew; one of grace, beauty and right-doing.  It is in Spirit the very image of the Christ, only in a rather goofy-looking body, and, “we have this treasure in earthen vessels.” 2 Cor. 4a.   It is The Dead Self.
Martin Moller got it.   He was abundantly aware of being caught up in a new movement, a tsunami  wave of the Spirit of God moving thru stale, life-stealing doctrine and ignorance.   A man of The Renaissance and preceding The Age of Reason, and writing about 60 years after Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the church, Martin Moller struggled to depart from the doctrine of confession in particular.  Boldly, he found his voice, a highly evangelical, pleading voice.  Martin Moller bids all to come, come into death and find. . .LIFE.

From Martin Moller in his own humble voice:  I hope that this work will bring glory and honor to my God, benefit and comfort to all my beloved, and a Christian life and a blessed death to all guileless hearts.

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