Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Journey of Love

What kind of man?

Dear Soul, A Manuale--is an impressive work of inspirational literature and rises far beyond place and time and Martin Moller's expectations of, "my little book." Rich with expressive language and with the gentleness of a pastor, Martin Moller guides his little flock through the difficult waters of a life lived in the cognizance of dying, and the dying to the open waters of Eternal Life. It is a journey of love undertaken by one man so overcome by the love of his Savior that he spends agonizing days and years pushing through the onset of his blindness to give his little flock--but now we see the world, this remarkable work. 

Martin Moller gives us precise doctrine, self-learned, in a manner in which it is easily integrated into one's life. He touches our souls with his kindness, makes us willing to break our hard hearts to penance--that which the Western church has shunned, and raises our brokeness to a spirit of gladness and exaltation. This humble work, Martin Moller's "little book", should find it's way into the hands of all seekers, of all the condemmed, of the crushed, the broken, the proud everywhere. From New-Age to Anabaptist there is not a person who cannot be renewed in spirit from reading this remarkable work.

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